Should We Have Heterosexual Pride Day?

The gays have their pride day, why shouldn't we heterosexuals have "Heterosexual Pride Day" as well? Heterosexuals should be proud of their sexuality too.  Sao Paulo the largest city in South America has just a adopted a motion in their city council calling for Heterosexual Pride Day to be celebrated each December. (h/t) The Blaze
SAO PAULO (The Blaze/AP) — The city council of South America’s biggest city has adopted legislation calling for a Heterosexual Pride Day to be celebrated on the third Sunday of each December.
I have nothing personal against gays but I say if gays can celebrate we should too! It's not a matter of either/or, why not both? Toronto, Montreal, Edmonton,Calgary, Vancouver etc. should take a page out of Sao Paulo's book and adopt similar legislation.  We are a country of equality aren't we?