Congratulations,Ezra Levant and Shakedown

Congratulations to Ezra Levant who just won the best political book in the last 25 years for his book Shakedown in a contest put on by The Writers' Trust of Canada and Samara
Canadians were asked to pick the best political book of the last 25 years, and they chose one of our own.
Shakedown: How Our Government Is Undermining Democracy in the Name of Human Rights by Ezra Levant, host of The Source on Sun News Network, won top honours in the contest run by the Writers' Trust of Canada and Samara.
Levant's book, published in 2009, won ahead of On the Take: Crime, Corruption And Greed In The Mulroney Years by Stevie Cameron, Harperland by Lawrence Martin, Fights of Our Lives: Elections, Leadership, and the Making of Canada by John Duffy and eight other finalists.
Shakedown is an exposé of how human rights tribunals have moved from their original purpose to a much more political one -- prosecuting and punishing people for speech deemed offensive.
"Shakedown and the fights it describes were important public moments for me," Levant said. "It was a political act of defiance. It was a legal act. It was a journalistic act."
According to the Toronto Sun's Peter Worthington, "Ezra Levant's fight is a fight for all of us -- and for a return of sanity, balance and free expression."
The Writers' Trust of Canada and Samara said their contest highlights books that have captured the Canadian political imagination and contributed in a compelling and unique way to how Canadians understand a political issue, event or personality.
It's a great book for anyone who hasn't read it yet.  I highly recommend you do.  Here's to Ezra's latest book, Ethical Oil!  May it win the next contest.