Tyndale University Disinvites George Bush In Leftist Anti-Free-Speech Triumph

Official photograph portrait of former U.S. Pr...                       Image via Wikipedia
Due to the actions of a left-wing pressure group Toronto's Tyndale University has cancelled(*) a scheduled fund-raising appearance by US President George W. Bush.

Bush, among other things, did more to quietly save lives in Africa by funding the fight against HIV/AIDS than any previous President but the leftists chose to characterize him as a run-of-the-mill War Criminal (apparently the presumption of innocence doesn't apply when a conservative is on the receiving end of a leftist accusation).

This is sad.

Big-tent inclusive and welcoming Tyndale, of which I am an alumnus, has suddenly become a smaller place.

File this under: exclusion, intimidation, intolerance, not to mention extremely ungracious behaviour.

(*) Actually, a "scheduling conflict" arose  and "neither side is talking", which makes this worse -- a Christian institution apparently engaging in euphemistic obfuscation.

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