...be taking a long look into companies such as Eclipsall Energy Corp., and check to see if the companies employees have filed EI claims in the last year. I would do the same with employees of Bruce Power. That's one of those companies McGuinty signed inflated electricity price contracts with whether they are running or not.
Why would I do this? Well, if McGuinty thinks it's fair for the voters of Ontario to pay massive increases for their hydro use, he also might want to explain to those same voters why taxpayers dollars go to said companies, who then temporarily lay off those same employees for low demand, and who then get funds from taxpayer funded EI. I would also look for links between companies like Eclipsall Energy Corp., and the companies they have signed contracts with, particularly ones with ties to members of the Liberal Party or their families.
I'm not alleging any wrongdoing, but in this case doing due diligence just might be a worthy endeavour.