DennisK posted this YouTube video on the conservative forum Blue Canada — I was amazed at the wonder. Dennis said they ought to show this at schools, and I fully agree.
Alexander Tsiaras: Conception to birth -- visualized
Anatomical Travelogue
Alexander Tsiaras is an internationally renowned journalist and author. After his first book, Death Rituals of Rural Greece (Princeton University Press), he went on to write Body Voyage (Warner Books) and co-author Information Architects (Graphis). As an artist and technologist, Tsiaras participated in developing scientific visualization software to enable him to "paint" the human anatomy using volume data. The recipient of numerous awards, including the World Press Award and several Art Directors Awards, Tsiaras and his work have been featured on over 85 covers of magazines such as Life (including an entire edition of Life devoted to his anatomical computer renderings), TIME, New York Times Magazine, Discover, Smithsonian, GEO, and the London Sunday Times Magazine. Most recently, he is the author of From Conception to Birth: a Life Unfolds and The Architecture and Design of Man and Woman: The Marvel of the Human Body, Revealed.
Tsiaras has given the keynote speeches at many conferences including the TEDMED, Medicine Meets Virtual Reality (MMVR) and has lectured with Stephen Hawking at the MIT Media Lab, National Library of Medicine (NLM/NIH) Visible Human Conference.