Mohawks join Toronto protesters

Heard on the radio news that Mohawks are bringing sacred fire to St. James park in Toronto to support the protest... and probably add theirs.

Joe Warmington of the Sun told John Oakley of 640AM talk radio that there already was a pile of wood. He stepped on one piece and somebody yelled: Get off the sacred wood.

Hello Caledonia!

Which reminds me how spineless Premier Dalton McGuinty was, so he purchased the property so the developers and home owners could get something back. McCastrated lost his balls when he sided with the native thugs. I think he, or the Mohawks, handed them over to his wife and she had them bronzed. Memories.

Caledonia Players: The Mohawk Warriors

OPP takes natives' side in Caledonia dispute

Grand River land dispute

Mohawks set up camp in Toronto’s High Park

Now what will Mayor Rob Ford do with the leftist Chief Bill Blair of the Toronto Confused or Handcuffed Police?

Frankly, the hell with Toronto and the liberals and socialists inside the metaphorical political moat which separates the Greater Toronto Area.

But I feel for Rob Ford trying to clean up the financial mess and now this.

Bonfire of occupying vanities for city - Joe Warmington, Toronto Sun