
If a law were passed that made stealing legal, would stealing still be morally wrong?

Here's the problem.  It would still be wrong.  It's problematic for the left to state that something transcendent imposes a reality greater then government law because it undermines their own demands for more. How can you take from somebody, what that higher power says does not belong to you?

A big problem at occupy wall street is theft of personal property. The basis of the movement is, "I am entitled to what you own...all your evil excess". "People who are successful have more then me and are therefore ripping me off, thus I am entitled to a share of their work" is partly the justification for theft with the group think marchers.

Theft is wrong.  It is wrong to be entitled to one's $5, 000 mac computer, as it is wrong to be entitled to ones success.  Coveting is when you wrongfully want what is not yours and theft is when you take it.  They are doing to themselves what they want to do to successful people: steal, at least they are consistent. 
Well, until they say that the stealing of the mac is wrong.  Why is stealing the mac computer wrong, but not stealing another persons hard earned wealth?  Because they cheated?  Sure, crony capitalism enabled and emboldened greed.  Got it.  Then the solution is to make the market more free, smarter and less regulation, and less government intervention.  The direction this rally is headed is undermining capitalism: it's class warfare.

 By marching at occupy wall street rallies, the illusion of empowerment is being conjured in the db levels of each event.  Sadly, the marches will have the opposite impact as intended.  Just like a fridge was not built to house hot molten lava, so our bodies were not built to covet and steal.  I believe people will feel less empowered as they confer more power to a government to act more on their behalf.  More laws will lead to more support for more people in more ways.  This is a dangerous and effective way to kill innovation, pride of ownership, work ethic and further undermines one's moral convictions.  The problem here is, 'more' government.  The deepening of our quasi-socialist society will surely produce the opposite result that is intended.  Today they march for 'social justice'...soon they will be marching to ward off austerity measures to keep their entitlement lifestyle (Spain, Italy) then they will be rioting like the Greeks to preserve some semblance of their once generous governments handouts in the face of an otherwise bankrupt nation.  Government planned economies kill jobs, incentive, innovation and economic growth...all in the name of compassion, fairness and sharing.  Reality is when you steal, nobody wins, and that is exactly what this movement wants to do, covet and steal what is not theirs.  This movement, if it comes to fruition, will ruin our economy and I have a fading hope reason and not time will help all see this...