Quick now, what's your answer? (please post in comments without looking at other comments' answers)
If you balked, you may be a Christian, but, in the eyes of the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB), not Christian enough.
He knew Mary was Jesus’ mother and that John baptized him but not the names of Mary’s and John’s mothers; correctly answered questions about the rosary and the seven sacraments; named books of the Old Testament but was uncertain what they were about; failed to note that 2009 was dedicated to St. Paul by the Catholic Church, and gave other answers that fell short of Ms. Andrachuk’s expectations.
“I find, on a balance of probabilities, that the claimant is not and never was a genuine practicing Roman Catholic,” Ms. Andrachuk wrote. “I find that the claimant’s level of knowledge of the Catholic faith is not commensurate with someone who has been a Roman Catholic for three years.”
Fortunately a Canadian court had the good sense to strike down this ruling.
IRB adjudicator rebuked by court for refusing man who failed Catholic ‘trivia’
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