Worth repeating, as this is a point that can’t be made too often.
RE: Syria’s UN Penalty A Slap On The Wrist: 416 Killed, But Assad Doesn’t Seem Worried, April 27.
As the tanks roll out in Syria and protesters are summarily shot throughout the Arab world, I’m waiting to hear the vociferous condemnation of these regimes from those strident voices of the left like Jennifer Peto, Nick Day, Libby Davies, Sid Ryan, Khaled Muammar, CUPW, CUPE, QuAIA (Queers Against Israel Apartheid), Tim McCaskell, Naomi Klein, et al.
When can we expect to hear their calls for an economic boycott of these regimes? When will flotillas set sail for Manama, Lattakia, Bandar Abbas and Tripoli? Which week will they choose for their “Murderous Arab and Iran Regime Week” at our universities? When will they be making visits to these countries to stage demonstrations and to challenge the regime’s leaders and military?
Likewise, I’m can’t wait for the million-plus Arabs living in Israel to rise up and resist the democracy, high standard of living, first world infrastructure, free press, education, health care and economic opportunity that has plagued them as citizens of Israel.
This is the golden age of opportunity for “social justice activism.” I can’t wait for these groups to get started on these campaigns.
Michael Ross, Victoria.